Knee Pain

At Home Knee Test

Here is an easy test you can do from home to check the health and function of your knees. If you have pain with this motion or are unable to complete the motion, you are a great candidate for a consultation. We improve the health and longevity for patients suffering from chronic knee pain in the Twin Cities.


Knee Pain

20% of the population will have knee pain in their lifetime. Even with the extremely high prevalence, solutions for knee pain are hard to find! Knee replacements are on the rise, and injections only kick the can down the road. Is it possible to solve knee pain without these extreme treatments?

Our average patient has suffered from knee pain for more than 6 months and seen at least two other providers before finding relief in our office!

If you are ready to find a permanent solution to your knee pain problems, contact us today!

Schedule Your Consult Today!